For Emergencies Dial 911
Dispatch: (405) 282-4100
216 South Broad St.
Guthrie, OK 73044
logan county sheriff oklahoma

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Recent Press Release
Homicide Press Release
Homicide Press Release

9/07/2023 - LCSO responded to a homicide in the 3200 block of Two Creeks Road Guthrie, OK on 09/05/2023 at approximately 17:00 pm hours.  Victim Geronimo Quilimaco received life threatening injuries and died due to results of those injuries.  We are soliciting any information or tips the public may have or know that could help during our investigation.  Please send any information to LCSO Investigator Alex Poe by calling 405-282-4100 or emailing  Tips or Information can remain anonymous by using our website "submit a tip" option. 

offenderwatch program
Recent Bookings

9/14/2024 - 01:47 am


9/13/2024 - 09:27 pm


9/13/2024 - 07:11 pm


9/12/2024 - 02:38 pm

Community News
Keep Your Family Protected Going into The New Year
Keep Your Family Protected Going into The New Year

1/04/2023 - We all make New Year resolutions with goals we strive to accomplish for ourselves heading into the new year. There are other things to consider when heading into the new year when protecting their family. 

Report a Crime

Do you know something that can help us solve a crime? The people that know more about Logan County is its residents. You may have information that will help the Logan County Sheriff's Office solve a crime, save a person's life, or simply make our county a safer more enjoyable place to live.

Do not use this form to notify us of a current crime. Please call 911 or (405) 282-4100.

Send an Anonymous Tip Now

Logan county oklahoma jail

Logan County Sheriff's Office

The Logan County Sheriff's Office is located in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Led by Sheriff Damon Devereaux; the staff, and deputies patrol 749 square miles that make up Logan County.

The men and women of the Logan County Sheriff's Department are committed to enhance the quality of life and lessen the criminal fears of all citizens.

Utilizing the authority and safeguards of the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms cited in the Bill of Rights, the laws and statutes of the State of Oklahoma, we the members of the Logan County Sheriff's Office, will work cooperatively with all segments of the general public and government to provide a safe environment and preserve the peace.

This partnership is drawn on the premises that our product is one of service to all citizens with special focus toward solving real and perceived problems within the community. Our remedies and resources shall be from all levels of government working in concert, to accomplish our desired goals. Thus, as a Department of, and on behalf of the people of the Logan County, we obligate ourselves toward becoming a catalyst for positive interaction between all services and functions of the County.

LCSO Core Values

Service: Service before self is our guiding principle. We accept the fact that our professional duties take place over personal desires.

Integrity: Integrity is the embodiment of several moral traits including responsibility, openness, and courage. All persons of integrity are responsible, a person of true integrity acknowledge his or her duties and acts accordingly. Persons of integrity encourage a free flow of information within their organization. They seek feedback from all directions to ensure they are fulfilling key responsibilities. A person of integrity possesses moral courage and does what is right even if the personal cost is high.

Community: We share responsibility for each other, just as we are responsible for ourselves. The strength of our people and our nation depends on the vibrancy and cohesiveness of our diverse communities.

Accountability: Our standards are higher than those in our society at large because of what we do. We are held to a higher standard by our community and we are held in high regard by our community because of the integrity we demonstrate by holding ourselves and others accountable for their actions.

Victims Impact Panel of Oklahoma
Logan County OK Website
City of Guthrie OK
Oklahoma Sheriff's Association