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Report a Complaint

At the Logan County Sheriff's Office, we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and accountability. We take all complaints seriously and encourage citizens to report concerns involving the Sheriff's Office or its staff.

This form is for citizens to report complaints regarding incidents, actions, or behavior involving the Logan County Sheriff's Office. Please provide accurate and complete information to help us investigate and address your concerns.

Complaints can be anonymous. If you require a follow-up, include your full name, email, and phone number. This ensures we can conduct a thorough review and follow up if additional details are needed.

Once your complaint is submitted: It will be reviewed by the appropriate department. You may be contacted for additional information or clarification. Appropriate action will be taken, and you will be informed of the outcome when possible.

We value your feedback and appreciate your effort in bringing this matter to our attention. Thank you for helping us maintain accountability and trust within our community.

* Indicates a required field

Phone number where you can be reached if we have questions.
The best email for you.
Describe the incident in detail, including what happened, when and where it occurred, and who was involved.

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